Europe could produce 111 bcm of biomethane by 2040

A Guidehouse report forecasts Europe could generate 111 bcm of biomethane by 2040. This ...

Stricter rules for methane emissions in the US

New rules on emissions from fossil reservoirs coming. Tightening of penalties on atmospheric release ...

Drought in Europe

Rising global temperatures do not necessarily condemn Europe to more and more intense droughts. ...

There are more chemicals in plastic than expected

A new report by European scientists has revised the figures provided by the United ...

Today is World Water Day 2024

Water either brings peace or triggers conflict. A resource to be shared across states, ...

Bacteria will help save the Maldives coral reef

A team of researchers of the Anton Dohrn Zoological Station, from the University of ...

The US pollutes three times more than it claims

The US produces three times more methane emissions than it officially claims. The figure ...

The future of the ski industry with climate change

In the worst-case scenario 1 in 8 ski resorts worldwide will run out of ...

River pollution in Europe: more than 500 substances found

Despite increasing attention, even from a regulatory point of view, the situation seems to ...